Chainlyze AI


What is Chainlyze

Chainlyze is a platform to identify or monitor where the smart money flows, move to identify new trade opportunities and trace history to a deeper level.

Track Smart Money

Monitor the money flow and trace the find the transaction history and check where money is going.

Find New Projects

Provides research topics on latest trends and shares insights over new projects with its technology applications.

Trading Intelligence

Gather and follow the top user wallets, project wallets, VC wallets to cut the analyzing time sharpen your edge and make wise and investing choices.

Monitor Transaction

Easy track each and every transaction right down to the last penny.

Unleash the power of
Wallet Profiler



Supported Networks

Chainlyze supports over 15+ networks including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, and more.

Our Partners

CCKASXLatestPoolz Boost